
Volunteer Center of Santa Cruz
Custom Design, WordPress development with custom post types and templates, Vertical Response integration
Location - Santa Cruz, CA
Platform/Theme/Shopping Cart - WordPress/Canvas
The Santa Cruz Volunteer Center is one of the largest volunteer centers in the USA. They were operating with an aging WordPress site that had become difficult to maintain with a theme that was no longer supported. The old site was not mobile friendly, and the original design (though nice), had become an inconsistent mess from too many staffers and volunteers maintaining while not following any style guide.
The biggest challenge to overcome was how to give each program the flexibility it needed for varying and frequently changing content needs, while creating a consistent user experience. Though some page templates were created for sections that needed the same layout each time, it was found that traditional WordPress page templates were too rigid and difficult to modify for their frequently changing needs. So, we implemented a page builder, a style guide, and taught the site administrator how to create page layouts that maintained the look and feel of the website. The ease and flexibility of the new site is allowing content to change in a more timely manner, increasing the communication and engagement with the community.
We also got them moved to secure hosting with nightly backups and on to a support plan so that updates are made regularly and are not such an ordeal.